Surprising part is that King Ram, after banishing Sita (unbeknownst that she was pregnant?) decides NOT to marry again.

Why did RAM leave Sita when she was pregnant?

Rama, fearing ill repute, orders an unwilling Lakshmana to take the pregnant Sita into forest on the pretext of showing her the hermitage of the pious sage Valmiki and leave her there.

Did Rama doubt Sita?

When Rama doubts Sita's chastity, she undergoes a trial by fire (Agni Pariksha). Sita enters a burning pyre declaring that if she has been faithful to Rama let the fire not harm her; she comes out unscathed with the fire-god Agni as proof of her purity.

At what age Sita became mother?

At 28, he goes into exile for 14 years to return when he is 42 years. “If this is true, then during the twelve years of marriage …and thirteen years of exile… Rama and Sita have no children and Sita becomes a mother in her late thirties.

Was Rama right in sending Sita to forest?

No. In fact, the 'epics' like these are the reason for the prevalent patriarchy in the Indian society. The people here 'worship' Lord Rama as the epitome of a human being, for his truth and morality. He is called a maryada purushottam.

Are Men Learning Wrong Lesson from Rama’s Treatment of Sita?

How many days did Sita stay in Lanka?

Few legends infere that Sita stayed in Lanka under the captive of Ravana for 12 Months, However Padma Purana states and confirms that Sita Lived in Ravana's House for the brief period of 11 Months and 14 days to be precise. Sita stayed in Lanka for about an year (or slightly less).

How many years did Sita lived?

14 years in exile (other than about a year when Sita was kidnapped). And some 4 years thereafter as king and queen, until she was exiled. So, they would have been together for about 22 years in all. Sita lived for another 12 years.

How did Sita got pregnant?

Originally Answered: When and how did Sita got pregnant? When ram and sita were sent for vanvaas (exile), then only Sita got pregnant.

Who impregnated Sita?

We gather that Ram and Sita, slept together under the same roof, for 12 years in Ayodhya (Valmiki Ramayana 5.33. 17), and 13+ years during Vanvas.

Who was Sita in previous birth?

Sita was an Avatar of bhudevi. She got married to lord Vishnu in his Varaha Avatar after she was rescued by Varaha from Hiranyaksh rakshasa. So every 360 days of bhulok, bhudevi marries to Varaha who is also called as Nitya-kalyan-perumal in southern India.

Why Ravana does not touch Sita?

For raping his fiancee Rambha, Nal Kuber cursed Ravana to burn to ashes moment he forces himself on a woman sexually (उत्तर कांड, अध्याय 26, श्लोक 39). This is the reason behind 'Ravan didn't touch Sita'.

Why did people doubt Sita?

The main objection of people regarding Sita, was that Ravan approached Sita in the form of a 'Bhikshuk' and as a 'Brahmin' he was perfectly eligible to do that, and Sita, after transgressing Laxman Rekha went with Ravan on her own free will.

Why did Sita end her life?

It all started with the agnipariksha of Sita

But people gossiped and some of them gossiped and doubted Sita's chastity because she had spent so much time in Ravana's home. Rama could not handle these rumors and doubted Sita's purity. Sita, who could not take this doubt, jumped into the fire.

How long did Sita wait for Rama?

Among one of the reasons Diwali is celebrated with such pomp and show is that mythologically, it is said to be the day when Lord Ram returned to Ayodhya with his wife Sita and brother Laxman after a prolonged exile of 14 years and defeating Lanka King Ravan.

Did Rama love Sita?

Now, to get back to the story, it says that as soon as Rama rests his eyes upon the lovely Sita, he spontaneously falls deeply and madly in love with her. They are soul mates in every sense of the term. Their attraction is divine, and they have somehow found each other in this material world.

What is the height of Sita?

multiply 35× 8 I.e 280 cm which is equivalent to 9 feet 2.23 inches.

Was Sita pure?

Sita proves her purity by undergoing a fire ordeal, as seen in a mural detail at the Emerald Buddha Temple. Sita stands calmly in a gated area with flames burning around the lotus blossom platform on which she stands.

Is Sita was Ravana's daughter?

In Sanghadasa's Jaina version of Ramayana of the 5th century BCE, Sita, entitled Vasudevahindi, is born as daughter of Ravana. According to this version, astrologers predict that first child of Vidyadhara Maya (Ravana's wife) will destroy his lineage.

Is Sita mandodari daughter?

Mandodari was the daughter of Mayasura, the King of the Asuras (demons), and the apsara (celestial nymphs) Hema. Mandodari bears three sons: Meghanada (Indrajit), Atikaya, and Akshayakumara. According to some Ramayana adaptations, Mandodari is also the mother of Rama's wife Sita, who is infamously kidnapped by Ravana.

Who ruled Ayodhya after Ram?

When Lord Rama left his mortal remains to become one with the Supreme Power, a turn of events happened in Ayodhya. In fact, among his twin sons, the elder Kush took over the mantle and ruled Ayodhya. But unlike his father or his great ancestors, he was not considered a wise king as he quarreled with the Nagas.

Was Sita educated?

Sita and her sisters were imparted education inside palace. Ram and his brothers were in ashram for education. This is not surprising because in those days, princesses were treated very delicately.

Did Lakshman have any children?

Lakshmana was especially attached to Rama. When Rama married Sita, Lakshmana married Sita's younger sister, Urmila. They had two sons: Angada and Chandraketu.

Is Sita Nepali?

Goddess Sita was born in the Kingdom of Mithila, which is now in present day southern Nepal. The Janaki Temple in Janakpur, which was the capital of Mithila, was built in honor of Goddess Sita.

